YELLOW FEVEROne of the most deadly viral infections and a notifiable disease; endemic in tropical Africa and Central and South America. Caused by the yellow fever virus, a flavivirus, yellow fever (YF) is an acute viral haemorrhagic disease transmitted by infected mosquitoes. The yellow in the name refers to the jaundice that affects some patients. An International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis is required to enter countries where there is risk of yellow fever (YF). YF vaccine is safe and effective, although certain contraindications apply (history of thymus disease, see Green Book). Since 1969 YF vaccination has been regulated under International Health Regulations (IHR), to help protect YF-free countries from introduction of the disease. Only registered Yellow Fever Vaccination Clinics (YFVC), regulated in the UK by NaTHNaC, can administer the vaccine; there are strict requirements for training, standards and audit. Travel Health Pro. Yellow fever: updated country certificate requirements, 2020. World Health Organization. Yellow fever (factsheet); 2019 Practice Nurse featured article Tropical infectious diseases Dr Hector Maxwell-Scott |