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Communicating with the practice team

Communicating with the practice team

Teams cannot be effective without good communication between team members. Although few people would disagree with this statement, many who work in teams would add that it is often easier said than done! Good communication is the key to effective team working within the practice, while poor communication can have a range of potentially disastrous consequences. This module will help you consider ways to identify communication problems and explore strategies to resolve them.

This resource, consisting of five assessment questions at basic level, tests your understanding of the skills needed to communicate effectively within the team. Complete the resource, including the recommended reading and some or all of the activities to obtain a certificate for one hour of continuing professional development to include in your revalidation portfolio.

Aims and objectives

After completing this module you will have:

  • Examined the range of communication methods available
  • Considered the diversity of how people give and receive information, and how to adapt your approach to make the best use of their preferences
  • Reflected on the impact and consequences of ineffective and effective planning of communication
  • Explored the appropriate use of electronic communication

Practice Nurse featured articles

Communicating with the practice team  Katherine Hunt