Supporting patients to quitINTRODUCTIONSmokers are, by definition, more likely to have smoking-related disease, and will often be seen in general practice nurse (GPN)-run chronic disease management clinics. For others, smoking will be exacerbating another problem, such as the catarrh associated with the common cold, so that smokers are more likely to present on triage. Smoking is also associated with other factors that lead to increased consultation – in particular social deprivation and mental illness. Simple advice from a healthcare professional can have a small but significant effect on a patient succeeding in giving up smoking, and helping someone to stop smoking is one of the most cost-effective interventions a practice nurse can make. After reading completing this module, you will be better able to:
This resource outlines the key elements of smoking cessation and nicotine dependence, and how you can apply them in your own practice. Read the article and reflect on what you have learned, then answer the test questions at the end.
Complete the resource to obtain a certificate of completion to include in your revalidation portfolio. You should record the time spent on this resource in your CPD log.
Practice Nurse featured articles
Getting patients to stop smoking: do the drugs work? Dr Ed Warren
Stepwise approach to smoking cessation Darush Attah-Zadeh
Smoking cessation – making every contact count Beverley Bostock-Cox
e-cigarettes: a Practice Nurse guide Mandy Galloway