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Contraception: an update

Dr Gerry Morrow Editor, Clinical Knowledge Summaries; Medical & Product Director (Primary Care) Agilio Software. March 2022


It is 60 years since the oral contraceptive pill first became available, and it continues to provide women with an effective means of choosing if and when they have children, but there are many options and a range of issues to consider when providing contraception advice.


On completion of this module, you should be more familiar with:

  • Assessment of suitability for contraception
  • The Fraser criteria
  • The types of contraception available, including combined hormonal contraception, progestogen-only contraception and emergency contraception (long-acting reversible contraceptive methods will be covered in more detail in a separate module)
  • Efficacy rates with perfect and typical use

This resource is provided at an intermediate level. Read the article and answer the self-assessment questions, and reflect on what you have learned.

Complete the resource to obtain a certificate to include in your revalidation portfolio. You should record the time spent on this resource in your CPD log.