QUALITY AND OUTCOMES FRAMEWORK (QOF)An incentive scheme for general practices allowing them to earn points that generate a proportion of practice income. Although the scheme is voluntary, it is such an important source of income that few if any practices do not participate. Much of the day to day work required to collect QOF data and meet QOF targets is performed by practice nurses. The QOF was introduced in 2004. It comprises a number of quality standards or ‘indicators’ relating to two categories, or ‘domains’
Each year the Framework is updated, and indicators may be added or retired. NICE is responsible for developing clinical and public health domain indicators, but the QOF is determined by the Government usually following negotiation with the BMA’s GP Committee. There are variations in the indicators and thresholds for each of the UK nations, so check the appropriate guidance for details. QOF has not been in operation in Scotland since 2016. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, practices were not required to declare any achievement payments for 2019-20 – they were automatically declared and approved. Other temporary changes to the GP contract were extended until 30 June 2021, but minimal changes to QOF were agreed with the BMA for 2022-23. Quality and Outcomes Framework Guidance for 2022/23 for England, including a summary of the indicator wording, points and thresholds Practice Nurse featured articles
Understanding general practice business Dr Ed Warren Root and branch reform of QOF for the year ahead Dr Ed Warren The Practice Nurse survival guide to the General Practice Contract 2014-15 Dr Ed Warren |