FOOD ALLERGYFood allergy is an adverse immune response to a food. It can be classified into IgE-mediated and non-IgE-mediated. It may be confused with food intolerance, which is a non-immunological reaction that can be caused by enzyme deficiencies, pharmacological agents and naturally occurring substances. An allergy-focused clinical history will help to determine if a food allergy is likely.
NICE CG116. Food allergy in under 19s; 2011 (reveiwed 2018).
Allergy UK Leaflets for patients
Milk Allergy in Primary Care (MAP) Guideline 2019.
Practice Nurse featured articles
Food allergies - what is the best evidence and approach? Dr Gerry Morrow
Nut allergy in children: a growing concern Celia Proudfoot, Dr Peter Saul
Recognising signs of potential food allergy in children Mandy Galloway
Dealing with emergencies in general practice: anaphylaxis Beverley Bostock-Cox