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Identify your current level of knowledge. Prepare for revalidation. Demonstrate continuing professional development. Clinically rich case-based modules.

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The new asthma guidelines in real world clinical practice

The joint BTS/NICE/SIGN guideline on asthma is still relatively recent but being aware of its recommendations and putting them into everyday practice may be two different things. We look at the key considerations

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QRISK4: What’s on the horizon in CVD risk assessment

CVD risk assessment tools are continually evolving and the latest iteration of QRISK includes a number of ‘new’ risk factors that GPNs should be aware of as part of a holistic effort to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease

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Poorly controlled asthma: treatment options in the joint NICE/BTS/SIGN guideline


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Featured curriculum module

Diagnosis of heart failure

Heart failure is the leading cause of hospitalisations in the over 65s and has a high prevalence in patients attending for regular review of long term illnesses such as diabetes, hypertension and chronic kidney disease (CKD). General practice nurses play a vital role in the management of patients with long term conditions, and are therefore in an ideal position to identify the early signs and symptoms of heart failure in patients that are most at risk of developing this condition.

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How to use this site

On this site you will find:

CURRICULUM - Clinically rich, case-based, self-assessment CPD modules to help you prepare for revalidation. Click on the scrolling icons or select a module from the drop down menu to test your knowledge

ESSENTIALS - back-to-basics, full text articles, by clinical topic from our Primary Care Essentials series

PRESCRIBING NURSE - written for the nurse prescriber or those with an interest in prescribing and the medical management of clinical conditions

ADVANCED PRACTICE - Expert articles providing in depth knowledge of key therapeutic areas

CLINICAL A-Z - Information, definitions, Red Flags, live links to guidelines and relevant Practice Nurse articles

GUIDELINES IN A NUTSHELL - Brief summaries of essential clinical and practice guidelines

To access the Curriculum and full text articles you must be a subscriber


This issue
19 March 2025Vol 55 • Number 2

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