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Current guidelines for the treatment of type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is associated with high risk of cardiovascular disease, eye disease, kidney disease, nerve damage and nerve pain. Effective treatment is of paramount importance, therefore, and to that end NICE, SIGN and other organisations have issued comprehensive guidance on how this increasingly common condition should be monitored and treated. NICE guidance on the management of type 2 diabetes in adults was extensively revised in 2015, and updated again in May 2017.  

This resource, consisting of five assessment questions each at basic and intermediate level, tests your knowledge of the treatment of diabetes based on national and international guidance. Complete the resource to obtain a certificate for one hour of continuing professional development to include in your annual portfolio.

Aims and objectives

On completion of this resource, you should have an understanding of:

  • The place of lifestyle recommendations in the treatment of type 2 diabetes
  • The role of medication in controlling glycaemic levels in type 2 diabetes
  • The role of medication in reducing blood pressure in diabetes
  • Options for treating dyslipidaemia in type 2 diabetes
  • How to ensure that effective and ongoing monitoring is carried out to assess and optimise the impact of interventions

Reading list

1. Diabetes UK. State of the Nation: Challenges for 2015 and beyond, 2014. 

2. NICE NG28. Type 2 diabetes in adults - management, 2015

3. EASD hyperglycaemia guidelines, 2015

4. SIGN 116. Management of diabetes, 2010.

Further education and training

Diabetes courses from Education for Health 


Date of preparation: January 2014

Updated: June 2017